Demons (Darkness #4) Read online

Page 13

  Stefan stood in the doorway, broad shoulders nearly touching the door jam on each side. He wore a perfectly tailored suit that molded to his body in a sleek and delicious way. Forget a dress shirt, the jacket looked so much more heavenly.

  “Hi,” I breathed, that constant tingling niggling at my core again. The man could turn me on by just showing up.

  “You have our link blocked. Why?” he asked in that masculine growl, scouring me with his gaze. “Gods, Sasha, you look beautiful. The best of your species.”

  I gushed and strolled toward him, really trying for sexy. I opened the link, feeling desire and the underlying love radiating between us. “I was experimenting with my link to Dominicous. My…uh, father. Kinda.”

  A soft smile graced Stefan’s handsome face. He let the back of his fingertips trail down my skin. “He is your father now. Enjoy it. Relish it.”

  A small tinge of sadness swirled in the link. I brought him closer for a kiss. “He’ll be your father-in-law. We’ll be one big, happy family. Me, you, Dominicous, and Sir Stares-A-Lot.”

  A bark of laughter rumbled out of his chest. “Can’t wait. Shall we?”

  “Who does Jonas get to go to town on?” I asked as we stepped out into the hall.

  Charles flashed me a glare before calming his features for Stefan. “Do you need me anymore, Boss? Can you handle her?”

  “Better than you can, yes. You can go.”

  “Oh, well, everyone’s a critic today,” Charles mumbled as he took himself the opposite direction down the hall.

  “Go to town on?” Stefan asked softly.

  “Yeah. I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of a big, leather paddle. Doesn’t he practice BDSM and what not? To relieve his temper?”

  “Ah.” Stefan nodded to a fierce-eyed woman passing us in the hall.

  “Boss. Mage.” The woman touched her heart.

  “Sandra, right? She’s in the Watch?” I recalled.

  “Estel. She’s in charge of the grounds. Great magic worker—terrible with a sword.”

  Damn it! There were so many people, all of whom were brand new to me. It was taking a long time to get everyone’s name, not to mention their duties as well.

  “Anyway,” Stefan went on. “He only engages in that type of sex when he’s on the receiving end. You have to be in firm control when you’re the one in charge. Since he only reaches for that vice when he’s not in control, he challenges people to attempt to dominate him. One female can do it repeatedly, and isn’t afraid to.”

  I realized belatedly that my mouth was hanging open. “He’s … the one getting whipped and all that? By a chick?”

  “Yes. It can be quite erotic.”

  “Have you done it?”

  Stefan gave me a perplexed glance. “Of course. I don’t much like it, though. If it’s to be rough, I prefer war. All parties fighting to get closer. But if you wanted to try…”

  “Nope.” I stared straight ahead. “I’m good. War is good. I have no desire to whip you. Or get whipped—I’d probably lose my gravity and think someone is accosting me.”

  “Someone would be accosting you.”

  “And then I would reach for magic and accost him back…”

  “Not if I did it right…” Stefan countered softly.

  I couldn’t help the giggle.

  We paused in front of Dominicous’ door. Stefan took a steadying breath as I said, “Speaking of dominance games…we’re not playing them in here tonight. We’re just getting to know our new family. That’s all.”

  Stefan nodded. “Easier said than done.”

  “I know.”

  A knock brought Dominicous to the door. He gave me a small smile, and then bowed to Stefan. “Welcome. Please, come in.”

  We stepped into the same finery that the whole mansion had, with the same classy yet conservative furnishings and décor. Stefan had a quick glance around, surveying, before he honed back in on Dominicous, who was waiting by the couch.

  “I trust everything remains to your satisfaction?” Stefan said in firm tones.

  “Everything is perfect. Please, come in. Sit down. We’ve left our titles outside. In here, tonight, we are two different species having a quiet evening.”

  With a small tug on Stefan’s hand, I led the way to the couch and sank in. Stefan leaned back and draped his arm over the back behind me. Dominicous sat in a recliner as Toa emerged from one of the bedrooms. He wore a strange Kimono-style robe with his feather-blond hair draping around his face.


  “Welcome, Sasha. Stefan.” Toa brought over a tray with glasses of red wine. “We have no servants tonight. No helpers. Just us. Easy and friendly.”

  I blinked a couple times as I took my glass. It wasn’t the most comfortable start to a comfortable evening.

  After another glass of wine and some random small talk about the weather and Stefan’s operations, a small knock sounded at the door. Toa glided over immediately, coming back with a wheeled tray covered in silver domes.

  “No servants, I thought,” I commented lightly as I got up to help load the trays onto the table. “Are these all the same?”

  “Sasha, I am fascinated with these witches you found,” Toa responded, straightening next to me.

  “Oh. Yes. Um…but these dishes—are they all the same?”

  “Yes, of course. Burgers or some such. Dominicous is pandering to you. He kept with your choice of cuisine. I have no idea why.”

  I squinted my eyes into his blue stare. “When you choose something, you like it better when someone ignores you and gives you something else?”

  Toa cocked his head to the side. “Hamburgers, Sasha? I would not choose hamburgers. They are for barbarian Americans. I pushed for a beautiful rack of lamb with a wine reduction demiglaze and a touch of mint sauce.”

  “Toa, you’re making me tired. C’mon you guys, come eat,” I called.

  “She doesn’t like when we dally to the table,” Stefan informed Dominicous with twinkling eyes.

  Being that he was starting to relax, and also that it was true and justifiable, I ignored him. I also ignored the pat on the butt. I sat in the chair he pulled out for me, and waited while Stefan whisked the silver dome off my plate.

  After I had sat, everyone around me sat as well, gentlemen of old. Only Toa stared down at his giant, half-pound burger in distaste.

  “So, Stefan, what’s next for you?” Dominicous asked as he took a huge bite of his burger.

  “I assume you mean, when do I plan to seek elevation to your position?” Stefan took his own giant bite.

  “Um, hum,” Dominicous mumbled through a full mouth. Along with titles, the guys were also shedding their table manners. Give them an inch…

  “Savages,” Toa breathed.

  “You might have noticed my…current problem with groveling,” Stefan said lightly, wiping his face and taking a sip of wine.

  Dominicous nodded, his gaze hitting mine across the table. “I have. I plan to move up as well. I wanted to caution you, however.” His focus went back to Stefan, seriousness seeping into the previously calm air around them. “The higher up you climb, the more political the arena gets. It’s no longer about intelligence, business, magic and brawn. There is a fifth element. And with an ace in the hole—” I got a flick of the eyes “—you won’t have an easy time of it.”

  “Without help,” Toa added. “It would be folly to lose your head and challenge Dominicous before it’s time. This is a game. A strategy.”

  Stefan eyed the men with a firm mask. The link warred with wariness, spicy determination, and hope. It was the latter which gave me pause.

  “I am your asset, Stefan,” Dominicous said evenly, burger forgotten. “I will pave the way.”

  “And what do you get?” Stefan shot back.

  “There is a saying in American football—protect the blind side. When I go into the hornet’s nest, I want someone I can trust behind me, cutting off the rear attack. Working together, we can grant our
own destiny. Alone, and we will each work harder. Had I not found Toa early, I would’ve been ripped apart and stashed away as a guard. Or a forgotten warrior.”

  “But, wouldn’t they want to use your talents? Why would they want to get rid of you?” I asked.

  Toa opened his mouth to reply, but Dominicous beat him to it. “The council needs strength and smarts, but they are old. They’ve been in power too long. They refuse to notice the world changing around them. It is why a faction of our kind are trying to push their way to the forefront of human society. It is why people like Trek have been allowed to cause so much havoc. A new bright star comes through, and the minions of these old, decrepit men get worried. They fear they’ll lose their position. So they do what any brutal, corrupt society would do: get rid of the competition.”

  Dominicous stared at Stefan. Stefan stared back. The link colored with uncertainty. Stefan’s gaze shifted to mine slowly. “I’ll be fine. With Jonas and Jameson at my back, I’m covered.”

  “Maybe,” Dominicous said slowly. “But without this clan at Sasha’s back, she is exposed. Jameson, I believe, did not alert her to the demon earlier. You instructed him not to. And he left it at that. He is your man, not this clan’s man, or he would have followed protocol.”

  Stefan tensed. But, just as quickly, eased back down. He leaned back. “I’m in a difficult position. I’ve marked her, so I have those obligations, but…”

  “I understand.” Dominicous nodded. “I am also in a difficult position. Family first. Survival of the species above all else. It doesn’t help, of course, that she’s human. It will take longer for her to gain support. But not to fear; we have Toa to think of all the possible strategies associated with this predicament.”

  Toa, just about to say something, closed his mouth with a snap. His focus shifted sideways to Dominicous. “I wasn’t aware you planned to let on that you lack a sense of humor.”

  Oh my god! I couldn’t help a delighted grin. Dominicous made fun of Toa! How had he not mentioned they had this relationship?

  Stefan reached under the table and put his hand on my knee, the link filtering his delight even though his face didn’t show it. He thought it was hilarious, too!

  “Sasha, are you not planning to finish your burger?” Dominicous asked with a twinkle in his eyes. “I ordered it specifically for you. Bacon and all.”

  “I know. Toa already filled me on my barbaric tastes…”

  “Yes, of course, let’s make me the focal point of the tomfoolery.” Toa took a drink of his wine in distaste as everyone else stifled their laughter.

  After dinner we moved back to the living room. I was absolutely delighted to learn how relaxed and good-natured Dominicous was. Also, what a tight-knit bond he had with Toa, even though they were complete opposites. They worked off each other well, one always having the answers if the other didn’t. And then, after a couple glasses of wine too many—I didn’t have nearly the mass that these guys did—I asked it. I couldn’t help myself.

  “So, are you guys, like, a couple? ‘Cause I had thought you were, but you don’t really act like it the more I get to know you, so…”

  “The closeness of our relationship comes from extensive battles,” Dominicous answered. “You develop a tight bond with someone you have fought beside and thought you’d die beside. For example, you have a close relationship with Charles born of close calls and loyalty. You are also now forming a relationship with Jonas.”

  I eyed Stefan. He was staring back at me. “Not sexual,” I clarified, raising my hands in surrender. “I don’t like whipping people. Probably.”

  “We prefer the opposite sex, when we are given the choice,” Toa explained patiently. “We don’t have the set rules and criteria humans do in this age. Humans didn’t used to be so rigid, of course. Back in the—”

  “Forget I asked!” I said quickly. “Never mind. You dig sex. I get it.”

  Toa blinked twice and allowed himself to be distracted as he said, “But I do find the animal costumes strange. Stefan, I hope your people don’t practice—”

  “Don’t even go there,” I cut him off again. “I asked that question once. No animals.”

  When I had asked, Charles looked at me like I’d grown a third eye and also lost the use of my brain. Which was good, obviously, but still—it’s not like it was a far-out question.

  ‘I think it’s time for bed,” I said. “I get a day off tomorrow, and I’m going to take it.”

  Dominicous nodded and stood. He wrapped me in a big hug, his smell strangely familiar. Like a blankie, long forgotten. It was then I felt it. A warmth resonating deep, deep within me. Past all the cobwebs and under a bunch of rubble, I could feel a pulsing warmth of enchantment coming from him.

  The enchantment of a parent with an offspring. His feelings for me, much stronger than before.

  He backed off, surprised. His gaze flicked up to Stefan before he stepped back entirely. “I enjoyed spending this dawning with you, Sasha, and the night before it. I am sorry I didn’t take you with me that night, so long ago. I should have. I knew your family had died. I thought humans could take better care of their own. It seems I was wrong.”

  My eyes started to sting. Stefan’s arm came around me. I said, “You saved my life. And I became me. And then ended up in the same spot. So I think it worked out all right.”

  Dominicous smiled.

  As Stefan and I made our way to our wing, Stefan said, “What shocked you? What happened?”

  “I could kinda feel his emotions. More than before.”

  “He’s your father, that might come in handy some time.” After a pause he said, “I enjoyed myself tonight. He and I … we have a lot in common. A lot of common ground. Under normal circumstances, we wouldn’t be able to speak so openly about it.”

  “A night for many surprises.”

  I got a squeeze. “Let’s just hope the surprises end with personalities behind closed doors.”

  That would be nice. Somehow I doubted it, though.

  Chapter 13

  Charles’ cell phone let off a shrill cry. Bleary eyed and sore-balled, Charles patted the nightstand. Squinting into the glare of its face, he tapped the answer button.


  “Charles? This is Rickie.”

  “Yeah. I can read. What do you want? It’s the middle of the day.”

  “Who’s supposed to be guarding Sasha today?”

  “The Boss. You know, that crazy fucking male she’s nearly mated to? The one she sleeps with. The one that has his own phone line!”

  “Right. Except, she’s got some visitors.”

  Wanting to cry like a little bitch—Charles hated being woken up in the middle of a sleep cycle—he rubbed his face and sat up. His balls protested immediately. He should’ve stopped Jasmine from her kung fu grip. And if her mouth wasn’t working wonders on his cock, he would’ve.


  “Great gods, what? Give a male a chance to get his thoughts in line, would ya? Who is it? Because if it’s a demon, I’m not the person to activate the phone tree.”

  “A bunch of human women,” Rickie answered with a shaking voice. “One of them is pretty pushy. Has the mage’s card and everything. Demanding to see her. And … they can see me. And this whole house…”

  After a silent beat, in which Charles sat with his face in his palm, Rickie squeaked, “Did I mention that they’re human?”

  Charles groaned and fell back into the bed. “Night! She told them to come around at night!”

  “Excuse me, sir?”

  “Call Jonas. It’s his turn.”

  “Yes, si—”

  Charles hung up and stuffed the pillow over his face, shutting his eyes tight and letting his mind drift into the first stages of sleep.

  His snooze was interrupted by a loud crash.

  Charles rocketed out of bed before he knew what was happening. The door slammed against the wall, rebounding back into Jonas’ outstretched hand. Jonas stood i
n the doorway naked, scratches and lacerations all down his front, some oozing red streaks. The doorframe lay splintered and devastated.

  “What the hell, Jonas?” Charles yelled.

  “My body is on fire,” Jonas growled. “Get your dumb ass up and go let those old crones in. They have magic. Sasha’s form of magic. We need them.”

  “You go get them,” Charles snarled back. “My balls feel like someone is yanking on 'em. I just got to sleep.”

  “The day you can take a beating from a paddle with spikes in it, is the day I’ll give a shit. You’re first watch. I need to shower blood off, and then I’ll join you. Go!”

  For the first time in his life, Charles really wanted to go head-to-head with this headstrong jackass. He was sick of this bullheaded song and dance, and Charles was pretty sure he could hold his own and even the balance of dominance. Unfortunately, his balls did really hurt, and Jonas had a point.

  “Screw it.” Charles snatched up some clothes and shoved past his prickly counterpart. He stalked through the mostly quiet hallways, daring anyone to ask him a question. He stomped down a couple steps before the throbbing in his crotch slowed him, and then made the rest of the way down gingerly. He really needed to start picking who he had sex with. There were plenty of females that didn’t get off on a man yelping.

  The women stood in the front entryway, staring down an extremely uncertain Rickie. Birdie stood at the front, checking things out like an army captain surveying a battlefield. The others were there, too, waiting behind her like skittish baby horses.

  “Ladies, I thought Sasha told you to come in the evening?” Charles asked as he sauntered up, squinting in the glare of the many windows.

  The leader put her fists on her hips. “Where did this house come from? I have lived in this city all my life, and I have never seen this monstrosity out here on the outskirts.”

  Charles rubbed his face. “You aren’t as susceptible to concealing spells anymore because you have a better grasp on your magic. It’s a weak spell, aimed mostly for humans. Hence, you are now seeing something that has been here all your life.”