Love and Chaos: A Growing Pains Novel Read online

Page 11

“Get on,” he commanded.

  “I’m all sweaty…”

  “Get on.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to club me over the head before you drag me back to your cave?”

  He revved the bike, the vibration licking up her body. So that was apparently the metaphorical club. Okie dokie, then.

  She stepped forward carefully, having climbed on a bike or two in her day, but not usually with shaking legs moaning from the workout she’d just given herself. She took two fistfuls of his shirt and swung her protesting leg over the back of the bike. Her groin muscles tweaked, making her fall forward to prevent a muscle pull as they tightened up.

  “I should’ve properly stretched. Also, you’ll need to change your shirt after this.” Cassie placed her hands on his shoulders so she could adjust her position, marveling at the hardness beneath. She balanced her butt on the seat just so, preventing the lean forward against the broad back in front of her. Where to hold, though? Was she allowed to snake her arms around his middle in his situation? Was that in the ‘safe’ zone?

  “Here.” A small black helmet and a large rugged hand materialized around his body.


  “Wear it. I only have one.”

  “What about you?”

  He half turned, causing the bike to tilt right, held by his feet planted on the ground. She yelped and clutched onto him, since she didn’t have any anchor, dragging her sweat soaked front along his no longer clean white shirt.

  She had warned him.

  “You’re more liable to fall off than I am. Take the damn helmet. You still have to shower. We don’t have a lot of time.”

  “Okay, okay.” She took the hard plastic and fitted it to her head. He turned toward the front as she worked the clasp, and then gingerly laid her palms on the sides of his body.

  “Hold on tighter.”

  “Okay, but…you have a woman, and this—“ She squealed as the bike lurched forward and immediately wrapped her arms around the hardest body she’d felt in quite a while. Her palms found new purchase on his six-pack and the front of her body molded to his back. The vibrations of the bike bubbled up her middle as every inch of her being started to smolder.

  She closed her eyes and soaked up the feel of him, loving the grind of the Harley underneath her. When he leaned to steer, she leaned too, hugging him tight for balance. For the first time on the back of a bike—the very first—she relinquished the desire for control. She let go completely, trusting him with her life as he took the turn onto the smaller road fast enough to give her a thrill. As he zoomed up toward the house, she rested her chin on his back and slid her hands higher, holding on to his pecs and letting him get her home safely.

  He slowed before they reached the house, maybe trying to keep the noise down—which was a futile effort—giving her another few seconds to enjoy his body. To marvel at the feel of him, as perfect to touch as he was to look at. As they coasted in to a stop, she slowly let her hands slide down to his lat muscles before she, regretfully, took them away.

  She was probably going to get bitch slapped one day.

  “Hurry. You have about half an hour,” he ordered in a low, tight voice. “And next time you take off running, I’ll go with you.”

  “Big protector man, huh? It would’ve been fine if I had all the time in the world. I nearly made it back without your help.”

  She swung her leg over the bike, staggering a couple feet on protesting muscles. She handed over the helmet and met a fierce gaze.

  She sighed dramatically, just to get the point across. “Fine. If you think you can keep up, be my guest.”

  “Go.” He gestured her into the house with his head.

  “God. Pushy.” She couldn’t help the smirk.

  Not three steps through the door and she heard, “She’s here, she’s here! Mama!”

  With a big grin, Lesley went running from behind the couch and across the living room to the kitchen. Michael poked his head out a second later, a cracker in his hand.

  “What do you have there?” Cassie grinned at him.

  With a sheepish smile, he slowly melted back behind the couch. He still hadn’t completely shed his shyness around her.

  Peter came out from the kitchen with a harried expression. “Where have you been? Are you okay? It’s almost time to go!”

  “I was out before you woke up. Thought I’d get in a run and check out the scenery.”

  “On foot? Cassie, sweetie, you saw what? A few trees and a bush or two? How was that a good idea? You know you get distracted and lose track of time.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh as she dragged him along upstairs. In their shared bedroom, she stripped out of her shirt and shorts. “How’s it going?”

  “I hope you don’t think you’re skipping the shower, honey. Because you look ten shades of terrible.”

  Cassie rummaged through her small section of closet for an outfit—Peter had insisted she hang up some things.

  “And what is the story with those panties? Is that what girls call period underwear, or what?” Peter leaned up against the door.

  “I see you are acting like you. How are things going? Yesterday you had a great time, it seemed like—has that continued today?”

  A smile drifted onto his face. “Yesterday was the best time I have ever had at one of these things. I completely let my hair down, and the more I let the true me show, the more they laughed and jabbered. I swear, it was like they were opening up at the same time I was.”

  Cassie couldn’t imagine those girls being any more open, but she didn’t mention that. Instead, she smiled. All too soon, though, the glee faded.

  “My dad noticed, though. This morning he looked me over and shook his head. He said something to the effect of my girlfriend being more man-like than me. That the women should be giggling on the sidelines, not the other way around.”

  Cassie’s jaw dropped. Even if Peter wasn’t gay, that comment was meant to be mean. Also, it was offensive to her, because it implied only men were supposed to sweat and play sports.

  Indignation welled up. “What. An. Ass. What did you say?”

  Peter shrugged miserably, sinking in on himself. “I didn’t have to. Jace was there.”

  “What does that mean? He punched your father in the mouth? Because that’s what the closed-minded old jerk—no offense—deserved for that comment.”

  “Jace always sticks up for me. Always has. Nick and Demetri have always been bosom buddies, so when they would pick on the runt—me—Jace would come barreling in. He still does with our dad.”

  Cassie walked over and gave Peter a big hug. “This sucks, I know.”

  “Yeah. It does. Especially since I know exactly who I am now. I’m happy with me. I don’t want to change. But…”

  “You also don’t want to face persecution from your family.” Cassie rubbed his arm as he nodded, tears coming to his eyes.

  He took a big breath to clear the emotional cobwebs and waved animatedly. “Now go get ready. Hurry! The limo is going to be here soon.”

  Cassie squealed like a little girl. “Wine tasting! How exciting!”

  “You’d think this was your first time. Oh honey—this isn’t your first time, right? I don’t have to police you?”

  She sent him a scathing look. “I am not an amateur. That said, yes, you should probably police me, because I am feeling feisty.”

  He laughed in delight and peeked out the door. “Hurry, coast is clear.”

  She glanced around hurriedly to make sure she had everything ready for after the shower.

  “Go, go—“ he waved her through. “I’ll get your outfit ready. And we are going shopping for panties, because that thong is absolutely disgusting.”

  “It’s fine. I don’t wear the cute ones running.”

  “Why do you have anything but cute ones? They are too cheap to wear past their prime. Replace them, darling. I shouldn’t have to tell you this.”

  She scoffed with a smile as she darted a
cross the hallway to the bathroom. “How would you know?” she threw over her shoulder. Then, “Never mind, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.”

  She showered and washed her hair in record time, probably still half dirty but not bothering to worry about it. She found her outfit hanging on the door, and for once, nothing had been replaced or changed—but then, she’d always known how to look good, she just hardly ever cared to bother.

  On the dot of ten o’clock, she dove into her makeup bag. No time to spare!


  Jace stood patiently in front of the limo with Nick and Demetri, the three of them waiting for the women and Peter to come out of the house.

  “What the hell is keeping Peter? He was ready, wasn’t he?” Nick asked, staring toward the valley.

  “Helping Cassie, maybe?” Demetri said, deleting a bunch of pictures so he would be photo bomb-ready for the rest of the day.

  “Do you get the feeling…” Nick shook his head and shrugged at the same time. “I mean… he’s…”

  “He doesn’t really seem into his girlfriend.” Demetri glanced up at his brother.

  Nick squinted in thought. “He doesn’t really, no. Jenn said something…”

  Jace looked at Nick’s face, trying to figure out where he was going with all this. The other man’s expression was uncertain, right before he dropped his head and kicked at the ground. “I don’t know. I never really got him, I guess.”

  “I’ve never really gotten you.” Demetri raised his eyebrows but continued staring down at his phone.

  “That’s because you’re about as smart as a box of hair.” Nick gave Demetri a shove.

  “Cut it out, man, I’m doing important stuff. Besides, we’re from the same genes, and rocket science runs in the family. Jason, though…” Demetri glanced up with twinkling eyes. “Adopted.”

  Nick’s head snapped up, waiting to see what Jace would do.

  That had always been the big cut-down. Usually, if three of them were together, two would join together and tease the third mercilessly about being adopted. The myth was that their mother found a kid on the street and felt bad, so she wanted to raise him as her own. That myth hadn’t formed until the later years, though. Kids never had to have a reason to tell their sibling they were adopted.

  Jace smirked, stepped forward, and gave Demetri a hard shove. Demetri went skittering across the side of the limo, clutching his phone.

  “You deserved that, bro.” Nick bent over laughing. “What’d you think he would do?”

  “I suddenly remember why we rarely taunted you with that line.” Demetri stepped away and went back to his phone.

  “Bet you didn’t think he could still shove you, what with you adding enough weight to equal your twin combined into one.”

  “That barely made sense.” Demetri glanced up at the door, and did a double take.

  Jace and Nick followed his gaze. The world dropped away. Jace felt his balls tighten at the same time a burst of sweat erupted on his forehead. Cassie stood in the doorway, her curvy but athletic frame dressed in light tan, form-fitting slacks, and a loose silk blouse. Feathery sheets of white-blond hair cascaded around her face, accentuating her high cheekbones and lush lips. A small amount of makeup dusted her vivid blue eyes, heightening their color and making them look almost otherworldly. The way she stood, tall and regal, elegant and poised, bespoke money and prestige. It also bespoke excellent pedigree. But her easy smile and athletic grace grounded her.

  An earth-bound angel.

  “Hey guys. Where is everyone?” she asked.

  Nick muttered something and shuffled away. Demetri glanced at Jace with a tight mouth. Jace just stared. He couldn’t help it.

  She raised her eyebrows at him, probably wondering what the problem was.

  “They’re coming,” he managed with a thick tongue. He half expected Nick or Demetri to make fun of him, loose limbed and dense as he was. She was like looking at the sun, and yet, the singeing sensation was oh-so-pleasant.

  “Oh. Should I go and get them?” She turned toward the door and peeked back inside.

  “We’re coming, we’re coming!” Rachel’s voice drifted out of the house. “Look at you! Don’t you look pretty?”

  Cassie smiled beautifully and stepped away, joined a moment later by Peter.

  Jace’s heart sank. It made a lot more sense now, the two of them. While Jace could dress up and try to look the part, his shoulders never fit right in a businessman’s uniform. If he got a shirt or suit big enough for the top half of his torso, it hung limply at the bottom, making him look like a clown. Put him in a breezy golfing man’s leisure wear and his tattoos gave him away. Put him in around-the-town preppy-man’s wear and his intense demeanor and unwillingness to take shit had people scurrying out of the way.

  In contrast, Peter stood next to a woman beautiful enough to make any man drool, and he wasn’t even awed at her splendor. He didn’t need to; he complimented her perfectly. His stylish slacks and collared shirt didn’t have a crease out of place. His erect poise and unerring comfort in fashionable clothes suggested a man at the top of the social order. His smooth face and manicured features enhanced his already good looks.

  They stood there, the two of them, smiling and laughing with Rachel as they waited for Jenn. Sun highlighted their features and sparkled in their eyes. The breeze ruffled their hair. Two pretty people at the top of the world.

  Jace blew out a breath and dug his hands into his pockets.

  “What’s she doing?” Nick asked Rachel as the driver came around to open the limo door for everyone.

  “She’s giving your mother instructions.” Rachel turned to Peter. “Are you buying today, or just drinking?”

  “Did she forget that my mother has four kids of her own?” Nick muttered. He turned to Demetri. “Did we bring some wine for the road?”

  “Champagne and OJ,” Demetri said, dropping his phone to his side. “We need a picture before we mount up.”

  “Regulators, mount up!” Nick whooped.

  “This is a car, Nick, not a horse.” Rachel slapped him through the air.

  “How does she not know that song?” Nick asked Demetri, stunned.

  “She doesn’t have bad taste?” Smiling in jest, Cassie slipped her hand under Peter’s arm. Jace watched with a tingling body as her skin affectionately touched Peter’s.

  A white-hot jolt of pure rage shot through his sternum. His muscles tensed and his heart started to hammer. He wanted to sprint up those stairs, grab Peter by the throat, and throw his body over the roof of the car. He’d never been jealous before Marlene, but seeing the woman you were trying to pledge your life to bed another man… Liquid fire shot through his body as he watched Cassie lean easily against Peter, joking about something and laughing.

  Jace yanked his hands out of his pockets, clenching and unclenching his fists. She isn’t yours. This reaction isn’t logical. You have no claim on her.

  Rage pumped his adrenaline. His furious heartbeat pounded in his ears, blocking out sound. His gaze tracked her free hand, light and playful, bouncing off Peter’s chest as she gently mocked him.

  It took everything Jace had in the world not to take those few steps and rip his brother’s arms off. To drag Cassie away and secure her firmly at his side. For him. Only.

  “Hey man, you all right?” Demetri stepped closer, turning his back to the porch. His brother surveyed him for a second before a knowing look crossed his face. “Take a walk, bro. Walk it off.”

  Blood flash boiling him, Jace fisted his hands and turned from the scene. He needed to punch something. To destroy something. To tear something apart.

  To beg Cassie to get out of his heart where she’d stuck herself from their first meeting.

  “Hey, man.” Nick caught up with him quickly, pounding him on the back as they went around the limo. “Where you living these days, anyway? You can come to our house after this so you don’t have to live with the parents…”

  Jace for
ced deep breaths out through his mouth.

  “I am going to buy the shit out of the vineyards today,” Nick said into Jace’s silence. “What about you, man? Buy yourself drunk, am I right?” Nick pounded on Jace’s back again, thick, heady slaps to beat the anger out.

  It was helping. Violence. He needed more violence.

  Demetri appeared around the limo, phone disappearing to his pocket. He jerked his head at Nick. “Jenn needs you for something.”

  Without a word, Demetri took Nick’s spot beside Jace and slapped a hard hand to his shoulder. “Your Giants picked on my A’s this year, bro. Don’t think I didn’t notice.”

  Jace walked a few paces, hot prickles of rage piercing his skin. He rolled his shoulders and swung his arms, trying to work it out of his system. Trying to simmer down the adrenaline.

  “You boxing lately, buddy?” Demetri asked, now facing down the driveway right beside Jace.


  “You should probably get into that again. You need something to do. Get some aggression out, know what I mean?”

  Jace rolled his neck.

  “You want to stay with Rachel and me for a while?” Demetri went on, rocking back and forth on his toes and heels. “It’d sure beat staying under mom’s eye, huh? Although, we won’t do your laundry.”

  Jace blew out a forceful breath. “We about ready?”

  Demetri turned to look back toward the house. “Yup, it’s go time.”

  Demetri gave Jace another hard pat before they turned toward the house.

  Jace came around the limo, trying to work his jaw free from the clench he couldn’t help, as Cassie came down the steps. She gave him a lovely smile that set butterflies loose in his rib cage. Refusing to look at Peter, who was coming down behind her, Jace stopped so she could go into the limo first.

  Her eyebrows dipped as she met his gaze. “You okay?”

  He jerked his head downward for a stiff nod.

  “You don’t look okay.” She hesitated, her concerned expression made him want to reach forward and stroke a thumb down her face to reassure her.

  He meant to say, “I’m fine.” Or even, “Get in.” Instead, what fell out of his mouth was, “You’re beautiful.”