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Shadow Watcher (Darkness #6) Page 10
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Paulie’s couldn’t help his wide eyes and the uncomfortable urge to get the hell out of that black-eyed stare.
“I did some checking up on you. I can’t have an unknown around my mate.” Stefan walked into the Mansion. “It bears some looking into, but without knowing who’s running the show, we’re at a dead end. I’ll talk to Cato and Dominicous—see what they’ve heard. We need that panther, though. He is the one with the answers.”
Paulie noticed Selene standing off to the side. Her eyes were hungry and beauty ethereal. But he wasn’t in the mood. Without another glance at anyone, he made his way back to his room. He couldn’t shake a strange, warm feeling.
The Boss had checked up on him. He had learned of all of Paulie’s past failings. He had found out about the time he had done in prison, the gruesome fights that he’d been in, and his resolve to not be bothered. He’d been vicious and nasty in prison in the beginning—it had been the only way to ensure people left him alone. And on the street he had horror story after horror story. The Boss knew about all of that too, and still he’d let Paulie guard his pregnant wife. He’d trusted Paulie with his most precious thing in the world.
Paulie wiped his face as he ducked into his room on the second floor. The leader of these people—the hard ass who could control a guy with one look—believed in him. Sasha, the intelligent mage on top of the world, believed in him. They didn’t think he was trash or garbage. For the first time in his life, two people had looked past his mistakes and saw the man underneath.
He’d already given them his loyalty, but now he’d give his life if it meant those two people could keep breathing. He’d work his ass off to be worthy of this clan. And he’d find that panther. He still had a few favors he could call in. More than anyone else, he knew how this shit worked. He was their best bet, and he’d prove it.
Chapter Nine
“I am so sick of being pregnant!” I finished off my statement with an anguish-filled groan.
I’d been at this for eight months and one week. Except for that incident four or so months before, that shifter and his friends had taken off again. No one could figure out what the hell they wanted. Why have a look around and then keep disappearing for long stretches? It didn’t make any sense.
Obviously, this was all good news for me. Great timing, actually. I let the Watch hem and haw and strategize while I continued being pregnant and staring out the window.
The first three months had been fraught with morning sickness. That sucked, but I got over it. The middle three were bliss, except for that little situation with the breaking-and-entering shifters. The final trimester, though…that wasn’t much fun. For me, anyway. Stefan couldn’t be happier. He got to feel the babies move without peeing every five minutes, or being extremely uncomfortable, or not being able to sleep.
Yes. Babies. Plural. I was having two. At one time.
Like I said, the disappearing shifter was great news for me. I had enough on my plate as it was.
Having twins was unheard of with Stefan’s race, they had said. And they had said it, over and over. So now I was a poster child for procreation. If I didn’t win their hearts with my magic and saving their leader, this would’ve done it. I was a celebrity.
A very, very grumpy and uncomfortable celebrity. Hooray.
“Almost there, beautiful. Just a few more weeks.” Stefan held my hand as we walked down the hallway of the Mansion.
People didn’t crowd in, anymore. They knew better.
“Good evening, almost parents,” Charles said with a smile as he walked up. Paulie followed behind. “Ready?”
“We’re taking it easy as we head to the Farm.” Stefan gave my hand an encouraging squeeze.
Charles put a hand on my belly.
The next second Charles was airborne. He slammed against the wall and slid down into a heap. “Damn it, Sasha! That’s not how a new mother is supposed to react to people sharing the gift of life with her!”
“That’s how a human mother reacts.” Paulie smirked.
“Charles, I told you I didn’t want to be touched anymore. I told everyone. Why is it you are the only one who doesn’t learn?”
“Because he hasn’t figured out how to reverse the blood flow from his dick back to his head.” Jonas was waiting by the wall ten feet in front of us.
“You talk about my dick a lot, bro. I’m totally cool if you want to get on your knees and praise it.” Charles picked himself off the ground.
Jonas was in the best mood I’d ever seen him recently. I think it was because I was so surly, and had zapped Charles several times, that he figured he could take over my previous happiness. Whatever rocked his concert. Just as long as he let me keep being surly. It helped me cope a little.
As soon as we reached him, he pushed off the wall and kept pace. He glanced at Paulie, who always walked a little behind us. My newest bodyguard seemed more comfortable being just that little bit removed.
“Human male, have you heard anything from your contacts?” Jonas asked, letting some of his growl seep back into his voice.
“That shifter ain’t been around. There’s been no strange goings-on in the human world. Nothing. In fact, things seem quiet. Maybe a little too quiet.”
“Dun dun dunnnnn,” I sang. And then I scowled, just because.
In an attempt to find the shifter, Paulie had contacted some of his old “working” buddies. He’d found out that the shifter had left at the north end of the city in a black Mercedes. These connections knew people in the neighboring areas, and that Mercedes hadn’t been spotted anywhere. Whoever that guy was, he wasn’t local. And, he’d gotten out of town pretty quick.
Since that information had been so helpful, Stefan authorized a payroll. Paulie became the eyes and ears of his previous thug world, but without the illegal activity that would get him involved with the cops. He just gathered information. Since his guys knew him, and as he always paid in cash and still hated the police, it worked just fine. Nobody minded giving seemingly random information about nobodies.
“You going to stay with her, Boss?” Charles asked. He’d picked up his position right next to me. Soon he’d reach for my belly, unable to help himself, and I’d blast him again. It was like a song on auto-repeat.
“I’ll sleep there, but I need to hit a few meetings here during the day time just to make sure everything keeps running smoothly.” My hand got another squeeze. “Just a couple hours out of the day.”
Tears sprang to my eyes unbidden. I was terrified of him leaving me. Absolutely terrified. I couldn’t even think of it without crying. It felt like my lifeline was being ripped away.
The clan doctor said that was a normal reaction for a heavily pregnant female. That when I was at the farm, they would try and comfort the part of me that craved my mate’s company. The human midwife had patted my hand and said I’d be fine. She thought it was hormones.
I didn’t know what it was, but I was uncomfortable, my ankles were the size of my upper arms, I was short of breath, I still had to pee even though I just freaking peed, and I wanted to cry and punch things, simultaneously.
“I just want this to be over,” I whined.
“Walking helps,” Paulie said quietly. “Get your man to rub your feet.”
We reached the back of the Mansion to be greeted by a small crowd. Everyone was smiling with sparkling eyes. Some had a tear or two. “Good luck!” many said. One guy opened the door for my entourage. “Good luck!”
Ann waited for us outside, the flare of her blue hair lost to the darkness. “Ready?”
She’d be coming with me. Like luggage. It was acknowledged that I would need a female that I knew well to help me relax. Delilah said she’d go, which was great, but I wanted Ann, too. And when I’d called Tim asking about it, I’d received an easy yes. Why? Because I threatened his life, obviously.
And then threatened it again when he started laughing at me.
Whatever. I got my way.
“How’s those kids?
Moving?” Ann asked as she shoved Charles out of the way so she could be at my side.
“Real nice.” Charles tried to crowd in behind. The guy was probably just as excited as Stefan. Jonas was too, but he did a better job of hiding it beneath his, “I hate everyone” exterior.
“Going quiet, now,” I answered. “They’re turned down and dropping and all that. Wanting to come out. I want them to come out.”
“Twins usually come early, right?” She put a hand on my shoulder to slow me down as Jonas walked ahead quickly to get the door.
“That’s what they say. Any time. Twins, Ann! Why me?”
“We’re blessed, that’s why,” Stefan said with soft eyes. “Almost there, baby. And then I can help.”
“Oh, you better help. You better bust your ass. You have a lot to make up for, mister!” I grumbled.
My romantic streak was long gone. Long, long gone.
Stefan lifted me into the backseat of Jonas’ Hummer. It was both awkward, and a whole lot of weight, but he bore it easily. I scowled at the seat, just because. He got in the other side so he could sit next to me. Charles and Jonas got in the front with Ann sandwiched in the middle of them. Paulie crawled in the back so as not to crowd Stefan. He’d be coming back for class, but said he wanted to drop me off.
I really wished this car ride meant labor. If only hopes were miracles.
Forty-five minutes later, we pulled off the highway onto a small dirt road. At the end of that was an arch above a gate that said, “Triple-T Farm.”
“I feel like a cow,” I muttered as Jonas reached out the window and entered a code. The gate shuddered to a start before slowly swinging open.
“You’re almost there,” Ann noted.
I was tired of people saying that. But then, I was tired of most things, so I didn’t say anything.
We wound through trees and uncultivated grass until we approached a smallish cabin nestled into the trees. Jonas parked right out in front and the whole progression emptied the car, me being last. By the time we were organized in a tighter than necessary horde, I noticed a woman dressed all in pink. Beside her stood a moderately large Delilah with a huge smile, and Delilah’s man, Tom, standing beside her with a hand on her back.
“Finally you come out here!” Delilah exclaimed. “You are going to kick yourself for not being here sooner. This is the most relaxing place.”
“Nowhere is a relaxing place,” I grumbled.
“Hello, Sasha. I’m Genevieve. Delilah, why don’t you show her around? Let her walk a little. With her size, that car must’ve been cramped.” Genevieve smiled at me in commiseration. I liked her already.
“Boss,” the woman turned her attention to Stefan. “If you plan to leave, why don’t you walk her around first and get her settled in her room. That would be the best for her stress levels.”
“Of course,” Stefan said meekly.
Ann and I were the only people to turn and stare at him with a slack jaw. Apparently his rank meant little in this place. Delilah smiled harder.
“C’mon,” Delilah said, starting forward. Tom followed her like a shadow.
She led us through the trees to a flat and totally level dirt path. There were no snags, roots, or rocks to catch the feet. On the side was even a railing to hold onto.
“So, this whole place is set up for pregnant people?” I asked in awe.
“Not really. You’ll see.”
“I can’t believe you’ve never been out here,” Ann noticed. “Isn’t that one of the first things you should do when taking over a job? Figure out the stuff you’re protecting.”
“Ann, I am not in the mood for a critic.” That was a better thing to say then, “Yup. My bad.”
Through the trees we emerged into a clear-cut area large enough for a football game. Neat rows of garden covered every inch.
“Oh! This is what the cooks were always talking about when they said they were giving me the best crops. I wondered, but they always gave me a weird grin and said I’d see.”
“And now you see.” Delilah laughed and led the way along the path, not bothering to go into the garden.
Next we saw another grassy area where cows and other livestock were held. They weren’t in great supply, but I noticed a dairy area and equipment I thought was for making butter. And this was why everything tasted so fresh. I’d thought we’d spent an arm and a leg on organic produce, but it seemed we made it ourselves.
I had been so preoccupied with learning my mage duties I hadn’t properly looked into how the Mansion ran. It was a glaring black mark on my job as co-leader.
“I didn’t take up all the operations right away, either,” Stefan said in an encouraging tone. “People at the Mansion grow up with all this, so we know most things going into a leadership role. Now that you are underway with your mage duties, I’ll start involving you in all this. It’ll help to share some of the duties.”
“Did you not pick up any of these tidbits when you were sitting in on all those meetings?” Ann asked. A grin peeked through her shock. She knew the answer, the jerk.
“Daydreaming,” I mumbled.
My hand got a squeeze.
Halfway through the tour my body started to ache. As soon as I visibly flagged, Delilah turned back toward the main house.
“I almost don’t want to get to your stage,” Delilah muttered. Tom rubbed her back.
“You’re telling me,” Ann burst out. “If I want a baby, it’s going to be born in a test tube.”
“You plan to live for another thousand years?” Charles badgered.
“If I need to.”
“Nope, won’t work. I want one sooner.”
Ann turned to Charles with an incredulous expression. “Is that right?”
“No fighting,” Delilah chastised. “You’re around pregnant people.”
Charles immediately humbled. Ann continued to stare.
We filed into the main house and found Genevieve sitting behind a computer. She stood immediately and motioned us to follow her. “We are putting you in the largest suite so as to accommodate all the visitors I anticipate you getting. You said Council member Dominicous and his mage Toa will be joining us, correct?”
“Yes. They will be arriving shortly,” Stefan answered.
“And of course the human magic workers.” Genevieve led us through a backdoor. A large facility, separated from the small main house, stretched out in front of us. Three stories and housing a whole lot of rooms, this place was as big as a hospital.
We entered the building. Plush carpet and beautiful window dressings greeted us. A sitting area held overstuffed couches and a sea of pillows while a refreshment stand was stocked with snacks and drinks and a small refrigerator.
“Jeez. This is like a five-star resort and a hospital combined into one.”
“When can I move in,” Paulie mumbled with wide eyes.
Two people on the couches turned awkwardly to look our way. I didn’t recognize them, but they said, “Welcome Mage,” immediately. Then, “Congratulations, Boss.”
“Hey, Charlene. You got a mate yet, or what?” Charles called.
“Haven’t chosen yet. Might leave my options open. Why, you asking?” a pretty woman with deep red hair asked.
“We’ll see if I can steal the Boss’ girl,” Charles retorted.
“I’ll bring flowers to your funeral!” The two women cackled.
“She’s insane,” Charles muttered to Jonas as we started to walk. “Too crazy for even you, bro. Baby or no, there is no way.”
Jonas snorted. “I gave her a try a while ago. She didn’t hold up and then started bitching about what a freak I was.”
“Bro, everyone knows you’re a freak. What was her deal?” Charles shook his head with a put-upon expression.
“That’s what I asked her. She tried to stab me.”
“Can you guys share your twisted sex lives another time?” I asked.
“Ditto that question,” Ann said.
I followed the o
thers as we went down a hallway. Genevieve led us to a door at the very end. She stepped aside so Stefan and I could go in first. The room was huge with a waiting room in the front housing two couches, a loveseat and three recliners. Another refreshment stand was set up at the far wall, along with a phone and a bell. Through a door in the back was a large, four-poster bed dressed with down. I had a closet full of fuzzy robes and sweats, and a huge bathroom with a large bathtub and more refreshments.
I thought living with Stefan was luxury, but this was in another league all together. The Ritz would be hard-pressed to compete with this suite.
“Okay, love, I’m going to go take care of some things, then I’ll meet you back here.” Stefan leaned down to kiss me.
My heart started beating wildly. I clutched on to his hand unable to help myself, feeling a huge chasm of the unknown opening up around me. “Are you sure?” I asked. Tears came to my eyes.
“I do this whenever Tom tries to leave, too,” Delilah said softly. It sounded like she was talking to someone else, but I didn’t look over to find out who. I just stared at Stefan’s handsome face and willed him to stay with me.
“I’ll try to hurry everyone up,” Stefan said softly, putting his forehead to mine. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Okay,” I whispered.
He gave me one last, deep kiss before he stepped away. I pried my hand from his, already feeling hollow.
“The strength of the bond of mating grows during the pregnancy,” Genevieve said in a serene voice. “This must’ve developed over hundreds of years of mates being unsure of biological parents. The female taking the male’s blood creates a sort of need in the male to protect at all costs. He is more thoroughly attached than human males with their pregnant wives. Sharing blood creates the need and willingness to be governed and protected in the females. This bond is something that forms extremely tight-knit families. It’s truly remarkable.”
Ann shifted her weight to her right leg and put her hand on her hip. “Say I got knocked up by one of these guys, right?”