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Demons (Darkness #4) Page 17

  I looked up just as Ann’s body leapt for the demon.

  “No, Ann!” I screamed. “I’ve done it. No!”

  Ann’s body fell onto the demon, her teeth sinking into its neck. It screeched, reaching up with bloody claws, jabbing into her jugular.

  “No!” I yelled again.

  Andris screamed, a blood-curdling wail of pain, cut short. Wings flapped like holey ship sales in front of us, until finally, finally the terrible creature imploded. It winked out, a wash of sludge and slime coating Ann as she fell to her side.

  “We did it,” Toa panted. “We did it.”

  Chapter 16

  I woke up to filtered light through the window, the sun just sinking below the horizon. My alarm clock shrilled a second later. I gave it a good slap and sat up. Then groaned.

  “Still sore?” Stefan asked, turning on his side to regard me.

  I traced his big shoulder muscle and smiled. “A bit. Literally all I did was stand around and work some magic, but it feels like I ran to the moon and back. It’s been a week—I feel like I should be healed by now.”

  I slunk out of bed and ambled toward the big bay window at the side of the room. I pushed aside the heavy curtain, enjoying the beautiful oranges and pinks that lit up the sky. “I’ve always loved sunsets.”

  “Hmm.” Stefan climbed out of bed and closed the distance between us, snaking his arms around my middle. He kissed my cheek and stared out with me, savoring the moment.

  “What’s on the agenda today?” I asked softly, sinking into his brawny embrace.

  “Check in with the wounded, mourn the loss of those that didn’t make it, and dinner. With me.”

  I turned my head so I could rest my face against his. “I need to check in with the Mata, too.”

  Stefan remained silent. It had been only one week since that demon tore through our world, but it was long enough for Stefan to start to come to grips with his past. The biggest problem had been reassessing the shifters.

  Not one of the Mata had fled. Not a single one. They fought bravely right alongside our clan. Because of that, Stefan no longer grumbled when I went to visit, or snarled when they came here, but old haunts took a while to dissipate. The best he could do right now was keep his silence. And he did. Baby steps.

  His lips trailed up my neck until he captured my lips. He deepened the kiss, spicy and wild. When he backed off I was breathless.

  “Did I mention dinner would be served in a hot tub? And we’d be naked?” he asked in his deep rumble.

  “Or…eat, and then have sex in the tub.”

  He chuckled and released me. “Fair enough.”

  After a hot shower and some clothes, we emerged from our room. Charles sat on the couch, his haphazard and misshapen quilt stretched out on his lap. He glanced up as we walked in. “Ready?”

  “Yeah.” I looked at Stefan. “You coming with me, or are you doing your own thing?”

  “My own thing? You mean, leading this clan with a steel fist?”

  “Yes, honey, leading this clan with a steel fist.” I patted his elbow.

  “And a huge set of brass balls!” Charles joined in.

  “Oh god, don’t get the adolescent started. He’ll never stop.” I made my way to the door, the boys right behind me.

  Stefan held the door for me. “I’ll be with you today. I think we should do these duties together.”

  We’d lost a quarter of our troop, one of those being Claudia. Adnan took that one pretty hard, even though he hadn’t known her well. The Mata had lost about the same amount, including Jack, the Tiger who had saved my life in the past. Of the survivors, most were wounded in some way. That demon, what they classed as a two after it was all said and done, tore through people, virtually indestructible. It had nearly overcome Andris even as it was trying to assume control of me. Without us to stop it, it would’ve gone on, killing and destroying. We were lucky not many had the power, know-how, and magic to call one that powerful. We were also lucky that Dominicous was able to grab Andris before he crawled away.


  Speaking of Dominicous. I felt his unmistakable serenity as he came around the corner in front of us, Toa by his side. The man was a cool breeze, until he was a hot furnace. He seemed to switch on and off like a light.

  While his link to me wasn’t nearly as strong as mine and Stefan’s, or his and Toa’s, it was enough to get the general point across. Being that I could mask it at any time, Stefan was mostly okay with the connection, especially since the paperwork had been filled out. In this culture, he was legitimately my father.

  And that connection came with Toa. It could be worse.

  “Sasha. Stefan. Hello.” Toa bowed his blond head with a serious scowl in place he didn’t bother hiding. He was less refined around Stefan and me since I became Dominicous’ rightful heir. I had no idea why, but it was actually a nice change. Expressions were good, even though the lectures were still boring as hell—when I listened, obviously.

  Dominicous grinned and nodded his hello as they passed—he’d taken a hard knock to the throat with a pair of claws. He still had the nasty gouge marks. While that was healing, he didn’t say much. Unfortunately, that meant Toa had the run of the mill with the lectures.

  Somehow, it could be worse.

  “What’s up Toa’s butt this time?” I asked as they wandered away slowly.

  “Same old debate, I think—Toa is still pushing to blood link with you. Where, before, Dominicous was on board, now with his link to you, he doesn’t feel it’s needed. I agree, obviously. Toa’s not pleased we are all ganging up on him.”

  “He knows I wouldn’t agree, anyway. Why is he still pushing?”

  “If he can get Dominicous and I to agree, he thinks we can talk you into it.”

  I laughed as we made our way down the stairs. “All this so he doesn’t have to link through you, is that it?”

  “Exactly. He still doesn’t trust me.”

  “I don’t think he trusts anybody,” Charles offered. “That guy needs to go find a book to stick his nose in. He frets too much. Tries to hide it, but hang around him awhile, and you’ll see it.”

  We entered the rooms dedicated to the wounded—those that needed care more often. These were the men and women hurt the worst, and without the ability to take care of themselves quite yet. All were on the mend, though. All would make it.

  I knew exactly which bed I was visiting first.

  “I don’t need you visiting every day, human,” Jonas growled, staring at the ceiling. “And when can I get out of this damn place? I’m sick of being here.”

  Charles leaned toward the bed over me. “The day you can wipe your own ass, bro, is the day I give a shit.”

  I gave Charles an elbow to shut him up. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like shit. How do you think?” Jonas responded.

  “How you look, then. You feel exactly how you look.”

  I elbowed Charles again as Jonas’ gaze swung over, promising retribution.

  “Just sayin’, bro.” Chuckling, Charles wandered away to visit someone else.

  “You did good, though,” I said to Jonas seriously. “You fought a good battle.”

  Jonas returned his gaze to the ceiling.

  “I’m glad that attempt to kill me that one time failed …”

  It was a joke. Judging by the stare, he didn’t care.

  “So…do you need anything?”

  “You to fuck off,” Jonas growled.

  “Well that’s not very nice.”

  “You know I hate when people see me…in this place. You just come by to rub it in.”

  I thought about it for a second. “Yeah, that’s true. Oh hey, and also, there’s a new bumper sticker on your car. You’ll see it when you feel better. I think it really fits.”

  A glare followed me as I walked away. There wasn’t a new bumper sticker, but he didn’t know that. Payback’s a bitch for all those times he was way too cranky.

  After we sai
d a few words to the sick people, and called in on the more mobile people that got to go back to their rooms, we headed toward the car. Stefan would be visiting the Mata with me, because he owed them that much.

  As we walked down the hall, people around us cleared, as usual. Stefan got his usual nods of diffidence, with the occasional, “Boss,” thrown in. Not as usual, I had started getting noticed, too. Not by everyone, but at least half of those we saw connected eyes with me. They lowered their heads, and often said, “Mage.”

  “Word is getting around. You played your part. You led the link and succeeded where a magical unit of five couldn’t,” Stefan said in a low voice, for my ears alone. “They’ve accepted you in this position, but now they are accepting you as one of their guardians.”

  I couldn’t help the delighted smile.

  “Next step, one of them. A human. What has the world come to?” Charles chuckled behind us.

  “That was a private conversation,” Stefan growled back him.

  “Sorry, Boss. My bad.”

  We made our way to the Mata community, a sprawling set of houses tucked away on a lot of acreage. This wasn’t the place I had stayed to learn, it was normal houses removed from the city somewhat. We parked and made our way to the main house.

  With my heart in my chest, I nodded to Ralph, the guy watching the door, and turned down a small hallway. At the end, the door was open. Barely breathing, I peeked my head inside.

  Tim lay on the bed, pale and drawn, lacerations grooved down his chest. But his chest was still rising and falling. Shallow, but working.

  “Hey,” Ann said as she hobbled over on crutches. Shifters healed extremely quickly, but some of these people sustained serious injuries. Just like with the clan members, it would take a while.

  “How is he?” I asked softly.

  Stefan shifted in the doorway.

  Ann shrugged. “He’s okay. They say he’s out of harm’s way. He’ll make it.”

  A huge breath rushed out of me. I sagged against Stefan. “Thank god. And how are you?”

  She grimaced. “My. Leg. Itches! This cast is terrible!”

  I laughed as she slowly led us outside. She’d felt the pricks of the demon’s claws, but because big cats had such thick fur around their necks, and because I’d cut out the spell when I did, she only sustained four deep grooves in her neck. They’d scar, but she was alive.

  She led us outside and to the right, sitting down on a stone bench and closing her eyes. “Goddamned Andris. What the hell was he thinking summoning something like that?”

  “He has always been ambitious,” Stefan offered noncommittally.

  Ann rolled her eyes and leaned back. “Well, anyway, how are your troops? How’s Jonas? Still grumpy?”

  I shrugged. “Yep, surly as ever. Still in bed.”

  A haunted look passed over her face, but was gone in a flash. She wasn’t one to dwell—generally being a pretty happy person. The memories with the demon would take effort, but she was working on it. “And the witches?”

  Stefan snorted and walked away some, taking himself for a walk. Charles, who was waiting by the car, walked over to join him. As he passed us, he pinned Ann with a stare. “Hi. I’m fine, too, by the way. In case you wanted to know.”

  “I didn’t,” she shot back, watching him. Her mouth twisted up in a smile as she refocused on me.

  “They’re demanding to be taught. Which they will be, of course. Birdie is an orange, which is huge for a human. Delilah can get better, too, if she learns. And one of the twins has a kid, so everyone loves when they visit,” I answered.

  “So they’re going to start learning?”

  I nodded, feeling the chill in the air as winter drifted closer. “I’m crossing my fingers that they’ll get really good. So I can have a bigger foothold.”

  Ann laughed and sat up. “Just keep working at it. You’re not one to give up.”

  “Hey, Ann?”

  She glanced over.

  “Thanks,” I gushed softly. “For trying to protect me. Again. Probably should’ve said it before now, but…I’m an ass, what can I say.”

  She grinned and shrugged at the same time. “You were trying to save all our butts. Least I could do.”

  Stefan and I did have our dinner that night. We ate at the table, like normal people, before we stripped naked and jumped into the hot waters. I felt complete in a way I never had before. Grounded and loved. I had lost myself to that demon, but he did as he said, and shielded me. Protected me, and then brought me back to reality. I didn’t really care what happened with this job, or the house, or anything, as long as it was him and me. Us together, my new friends, and my father to back us up, meant I had somewhere solid to call home for the first time since I lost my parents. I had a family.


  Sasha’s journey continues in The Council, Darkness Series #5, due out before 12/1/2014

  Darkness Series (Paranormal Romance)

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