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Shadow Watcher (Darkness #6) Page 11

  “Like me,” Charles threw in.

  Ann rolled her eyes at his cheesy smile. “You’re saying I’d suddenly want to suck blood?”

  Genevieve smiled at her. “If you hadn’t already, probably not. But if you tried it during your pregnancy, you’d probably find you quite liked it. And your body would easily accept it during the pregnancy.”

  “I couldn’t before I was pregnant—it really killed my stomach. But I can now,” Delilah said. “I like it.”

  “Gross.” Ann shivered.

  “Let’s get the show on the road,” Jonas growled. “This is causing Sasha unneeded stress.”

  “He’s right, love.” Stefan kissed me again. He steered Jonas toward me. Jonas reached out and took my hand as if it was a completely normal thing for him to do. “He’ll guard you in my absence, okay?”

  “Why does this feel normal?” I asked, blinking up at Jonas. “You’re holding my hand.”

  “It is such a treat to witness humans interacting with our race in this way,” Genevieve said with a laugh. “They crave the things we take for granted, and then marvel at them. It is quite a behavior study. Some things are more deeply ingrained in our primal needs than I had realized.”

  For some reason I couldn’t explain, I wanted to punch her. Delilah started to laugh—I must’ve advertised that thought on my face.

  Stefan gave me a sorrowful wink before leaving. I squeezed Jonas’ hand tightly, and then reached for Charles’. It felt like my heart was leaving with Stefan, like I’d never see him again.

  Chapter Ten

  Stefan shut the car door and paused for a moment. He let out a breath and closed his eyes against the guilt of leaving her. He knew it was irrational, but the pounding ache of wanting to go back inside was hard to fight.

  “You okay, Boss?” Paulie asked as he stared straight ahead. “Need a minute?”

  “No. I’m good.”

  Stefan started the car and tried to clear his thoughts. He tried to focus on driving back to the Mansion, getting his stuff done, and returning as fast as possible.

  “She’s got some mean bastards with her. And she’s got magic way beyond anyone in the Mansion. She’ll be good for a couple hours,” Paulie said.

  “Yeah.” Stefan stepped on the gas.

  “If they need a car, though…”

  “There are vehicles here if they need one.” Stefan took the corner too fast and forced himself to slow down. It wouldn’t help if he killed himself in his urgency to get back to her.

  “So it’s a trip, huh? Your people seem to think it’s like Christmas knowing you sired a kid.”

  Stefan glanced at the male next to him who hadn’t said more than a handful of words to him in the last nine months. “What?”

  Paulie continued to stare straight ahead, completely relaxed. “Huge deal for your kind to know it’s your kid. Kind of a trip, huh?”

  “Are you trying to distract me?”

  “Yeah. Working?”

  Stefan’s lips quirked as he turned onto a main road. Surprisingly, it was. “It is a trip, yes. I hear it’s made you in demand. The durability of human procreation, I mean.”

  “Oh yeah. I don’t get any blowjobs, though. Except from Selene. They all want the baby maker. I actually got kicked in the face when I tried to use protection. I don’t know if I want a bunch of kids I created running around. In human land, that would be seriously complicated.”

  Stefan couldn’t help a smile. “Hasn’t stopped you any.”

  “Ah…no. You got some hot women and Selene is cool with an open relationship—I guess most of you are. Kind of a waste to say no, know what I mean?”

  Stefan glanced at the human male again. He had no idea that Paulie had a sense of humor. Or any real personality. The male could be good to hang around with. Relaxed and easy, happy to let the small things go.

  Stefan didn’t know why he was surprised. Anyone who Sasha welcomed into her inner circle were often extraordinary in some way, and could always banter. Still, it was a nice surprise. It kept things interesting.

  They turned into the Mansion ten minutes later and he clicked back on his serious Boss’ mask. Jameson was waiting as Stefan got out of the car.

  “Everything go okay?” Jameson asked.

  “She’s good. Let’s get moving, though. I need to get back.”


  * * *

  Paulie squeezed his eyes shut and focused on the link with Birdie. They were the two highest power workers and also the most volatile. Links were fine when Sasha was in control because she could easily manage the vast quantities of magic. Without her as the pinnacle, though, it was not so easy.

  “Stop pulling!” Birdie huffed with a red face. “You’re not supposed to bash people around when you call the corners. You’re supposed to join everyone else. This is why guys get kicked out of the sisterhood.”

  “This ain’t why. Having a penis is why. Guys don’t want to listen to your nonsense.” Paulie took a deep breath and tried to still his mind. Tried to just be with the increased flow of magic battering at his senses. This much power was no joke. If you didn’t constantly keep yourself in some sort of chi, it would crash down on top of you and roll you over. Paulie hadn’t survived his life this far to get steamrolled by a freaking fairy tale.

  He and Birdie sat in Master Bert’s class on the top floor of the Mansion among a bunch of pubescents. They were in an advanced class that was currently focusing on spell casts, charms, and linking. All the kids could already do it reasonably well. It was the humans who were struggling. Without Sasha they were mostly hopeless.

  The breeding program that Birdie and Delilah were instigating sounded less and less asinine.

  “Okay, do a spell.” Birdie sat in a chair in front of him with her fingers curled tightly around the arms. She was the only one to get a seat. While she could get up off the floor, no one wanted to chance her not being able to. The cold did something to her bones, or some shit, and she got terribly cranky when she was still.

  Even Master Bert was wary.

  “Maw, how is everyone doing?” Master Bert threaded his way through the focusing students. “If you have the link stabilized, try a spell. Maw, that is the next step.”

  “God, that guy is creepy.” Paulie put out his hands to give the illusion of balance. Eyes still squeezed shut, he focused all his attention on weaving a spell for a small plant. Just a little green thing that might grow out of the pot of dirt between him and Birdie. Nothing big. Should be easy.

  “Don’t you create a monster,” Birdie warned. Sweat dribbled down her cheeks. “Do not invert that spell!”

  He didn’t need to be told. The classroom had just been patched up from his last spell-gone-wild.

  He worked the elements with a smooth and delicate hand. He tried to do as Birdie said and be at one with her. Tried to grow a vagina and hang with the gals. Tried to bend the spell just right, and then he could gently, ever so gently, lay—

  His phone screamed from his pocket.

  He jumped. His spell curled and then wobbled. The elements clashed.

  “Oh shi—” A zing of power blasted out in all directions. Firecracker-like magic zipped through the class, burning anyone it crashed against.

  “Damn it, human!” one of the kids yelled. People hopped up. Some started to run and wave their hands wildly. Paulie couldn’t help chuckling.

  “Shield class,” Master Bert instructed in a loud voice. “Maw, shielding will protect you from spells such as that. Mostly. They are high in power, but it will singe less.”

  Paulie’s phone trilled again. He fished it out to glares. “Paulie.”

  “That Mercedes just blew through, man,” a gruff voice sounded in the phone.

  A cold shiver trickled down Paulie’s back. They’d just returned. It’d be another couple of hours before they’d be heading back up to that plush birthing place. Right now, Sasha only had Jonas, Charles and Ann to watch out for her.

ou get a tail on it?” Paulie asked, standing up and waving away Master Bert’s irritation with the phone call.

  “Yeah. Stopped up near Hyde Park. Met some other guys. They was talking about humans and science and some shit. Something about some human link or something. I think they want into this territory, though. There was talk about clearing out some mage or something—I didn’t get that, really. But then some leader. They was talking about the biggest threats and what not. Dangerous, though. They talkin’ crazy, but they’re dangerous. No guns that I saw, but these guys were carrying some muscle, know what I’m sayin’? I’d wait to get them in an alley with firepower if I was you. Take them out handy-like and then disappear. That’s the way to play those guys.”

  Paulie was out of the classroom and jogging toward the stairs. “Where’d they go after?”

  “Headed out of town. A few of ‘em. Three white guys with lots of money. Talked like a bunch o’ uppity bastards. This ain’t no street game, you know that. These fuckers got some clout. All’s I’m sayin’. Take ‘em out quiet-like and disappear. Safest way to play it. Hold your turf, but you don’t gotta advertise which way the wind is blowin’, know what I’m sayin’?”

  “All right, Rudy. Thanks, man.”

  “No sweat. Good luck. You need guns for hire, you know who to call.”

  Paulie didn’t need guns for hire. He just needed to point out the danger and let this swarm of vicious, bloodthirsty people kill everything in sight. It was comforting knowing he wasn’t the most violent in the crew, anymore. Grounding.


  Paulie burst into a large meeting room and sought the Boss’ eyes immediately. He braced himself against the blast of strength and power in that dark gaze before saying, “That shifter is in town.”

  The entire room stood in a rush. The Boss was running towards him in the next second, Jameson and three others directly behind.

  “What do you know?” the Boss asked as they moved down the hall quickly. People scattered to the sides and held perfectly still for the procession to pass.

  Paulie did a quick summary of the phone call. Then said, “They don’t want you. Not yet. I don’t know who’s in charge, but right now they are after the one with the most power—Sasha. Will she defend herself? Will she do what needs to be done if she has to?”

  He couldn’t imagine her killing anyone. She was such a sweetie. Always putting people before herself, and trying to help everyone out with the magic and fitting in and just getting along. She was more saintly than vigilante.

  Everyone chuckled at his question.

  “She’ll set the world on fire if she has to.” The Boss sobered as they burst outside. Jonas’ Hummer waited for them in the parking space. The Boss jogged around it as he said, “But she’s heavily pregnant. She doesn’t have the ability to move much.”

  Paulie could hear the blind fear in the Boss’ voice. It was probably the only time this man would show it.

  Jameson stopped beside a blue SUV and pulled open the door. Three people hovered around it as others found their own vehicles. The Boss kept going until he ducked into a covered area at the very far end of the lot. He yanked off a cover and exposed a cherry red Ferrari.

  “Holy—” Paulie’s mouth dropped open as he slowed.

  The Boss glanced his way. “C’mon. Hurry up or you’ll be left behind.”

  “Why haven’t I seen this before?”

  “It draws attention. But it goes fast. We need speed right now.”

  “Yes.” Paulie couldn’t help a grin as he pulled open the door and slid into the plush interior.

  As the engine roared into life the Boss said, “Do not tell Sasha about this car. I haven’t driven it since she came to live here. She’d steal it and probably kill herself.”

  “She’s going to find out,” Paulie muttered.

  * * *

  I stopped along the path and took a moment to breathe. The fresh breeze tickled my skin and calmed my nerves. The grasses swayed beside me, natural and beautiful. I was no more than fifty yards from the house and definitely ready to head back in. Walking was just a pain in the butt these days. I was tired almost immediately.

  But if walking sped this whole pregnancy deal along, it was worth panting over.

  Jonas stood beside me, my hand still in his. He wasn’t a touchy-feely kinda guy, but when he gave himself to a job, he went whole-hog. It wasn’t really helping, though. I wanted Stefan. I wanted his protection and possessiveness. I needed his presence and his assurance that everything would work out okay. That it wouldn’t hurt too much.

  “Oh, God, this is totally going to hurt, isn’t it? And there are two,” I whined.

  I felt the squeeze of Jonas’ hand. “It’ll be okay. You won’t even feel the second.”

  “Seriously, Jonas?”

  I got a grunt. Yeah, that was a dumb thing to say.

  I glanced up and saw that Charles and Ann were descending the path to us. They’d stayed behind to get food setup even though there were staff on duty around the clock. I had a feeling Charles didn’t trust them to put out enough food for him. The man ate more than two people combined.

  I stopped for a moment and closed my eyes to feel the breeze. I took a few breaths. And then felt Jonas tense beside me.

  I opened my eyes and saw Ann and Charles on the path up ahead. They were both looking out over the field.

  Like I gunshot blast, I felt it. My gaze swung out over the mostly fallow field covered in long grasses.

  “I’m supposed to be safe here,” I muttered with a tingle working up my spine.

  I took stock magically, identifying location, my gaze slid across a pair of eyes. I picked up that familiar feeling. The shifter! Two yellow eyes from a predator at the top of the food chain stared at me before the world burst into movement. A feline body was in the air, claws spread wide and jaw opened. Jonas stepped in front of me to take the attack as his sword arched outwards.

  He wouldn’t be able to bring it up in time.

  It didn’t matter. I’d reacted without even meaning to.

  Power pulsed and pounded around me. A wall of electric razors zigzagged in front of Jonas and I. It sliced into the furry body before a solid wall of magic slammed into the body from the side. The panther screamed as it was pushed to the side. Its body hit the ground and rolled, smears of red coating the ground behind it.

  Jonas was on it a moment later, sword out, ready for a kill strike.

  “No!” I screamed. I threw a cage around it and then a shock barrier to keep Jonas away. “We need info from that asshole. What the hell is he doing following me? Where does he go when he’s not loitering around town? And in what screwed up world is it okay to try and kill a heavily pregnant woman? What the hell is wrong with that guy?”

  “Oh, shit, we shouldn’t have killed them?”

  I glanced from a seething Jonas and the whimpering panther to see Charles with a mountain lion standing next to him. Both had blood splatters across them and two bodies at their feet. One was a lioness, the other a lynx.

  “All cats,” I said softly. “To sneak around, I guess. What the hell were they planning?”

  I glanced back at the panther as a hard stab of pain rocked my body. I put a hand to my stomach and reached for Jonas. “Ow.”

  “What’s happening?” Charles jumped over the bodies and sprinted down the path.

  Jonas took my hand and put his arm behind my back.

  “Let’s go back.” I didn’t hurt at the moment, but I was in the absence of pain. When this far along in pregnancy, the absence of pain means that it is crouching, just waiting to unleash havoc.

  “Is that critter going to die if we leave it?” Jonas asked.

  I glanced back at the caged panther. It was still on its side, oozing a small amount of blood and panting. It probably hurt quite a lot, but it wasn’t life threatening. “The razor spell wasn’t meant to cut deep. It probably went a little deeper than I intended as I was keyed up. Oops. It’ll be—�

  An overall tightening of my tummy stopped my words. The pain spiraled outwards and radiated up through my body. It wasn’t terrible, though. It was just a promise of agony.

  “Was that a contraction?” Charles asked with a wildness to his eyes. He squeezed my hand, all thought of the attack and shifters completely forgotten. “Are you starting? It is starting, Sasha? Should I get help? Does it hurt—”

  Jonas stepped around me and punched Charles in the face. Charles staggered back. He shook his head. “Thanks, bro. I needed that. I think I just panicked.”

  A childlike cry rent the night. Jonas glanced up the path. “Yes, Ann, tell them we’re coming. We have lots of time yet, but get them to call the Boss.”

  “Should we carry her, Jonas?” Charles asked in hasty words. “Crap, I’m totally panicking, bro. I was so excited, and now I’m—”

  Jonas sent him a glare cutting him off. Another punch might not be far behind, that was clear.

  “Let’s walk,” I said with determination. “That’ll help. Walking helps—both doctors agreed on that.”

  We got to the front of the large compound after stopping twice. It was as if we hadn’t just been attacked. There were bigger things to worry about--the pain was definitely contractions. It was happening. The time had come, and I was terrified of the pain as it increased in ferocity.

  Not to worry, Charles was panicking every few minutes and getting punched by Jonas. It kept my mind off the terror at hand.

  We heard a rumble of cars toward the front as a naked Ann ran into view. She stopped along the path and turned back to three unhurried women in pink. Fresh as a spring morning, they glided toward me with smiles that could probably bloom roses. I felt relief wash over me. They would know what to do—their complete lack of freaking out was evidence of that fact. Something not even Jonas could manage, if his shaking hand was any judge.

  A rev that sounded like a fancy sports car had me slowing my step. The moon glinted off sleek lines and a shiny surface. It slid to a stop and cut off before Stefan slid out.